lucenxia home dialysis care team
Our international team of nurses come from 5 different countries, speak more than 7 different languages and have years of experience in educating, training and assisting patients in both APD and CAPD. Our nurses are trained to instil confidence in the patient and in assisting the patient to take back control of his or her life.
Our technicians will also be providing regular maintenance and servicing works on your APD machines to ensure that it is always performing at an optimum level whilst our engineers in the research and development team are always at the forefront of innovation in bringing you a safer and more efficient treatment modality.
Our dialysis careline operates 24/7, 365-days a year to provide any assistance required by our patients. If you wish to know more about us or to schedule a home visit appointment, contacts feel free to contact us on the International Lucenxia Home Dialysis Careline at 098 952 1000.